Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Brainstorming the Greenhouse - Veggie Shower-O-Rama!

I feel an Instructable coming on. (This time it's Knippa and the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store that are to blame.)

Knippa is my hero lately. He took a corner of the garage, used a whole bunch of salvaged materials, and built himself a scooter workshop worthy of admiration and envy. He does that kind of thing a lot.

(Just showing off my wicked Powerpoint skills!)
Grizz and I were over at Keith's place checking out the shop (and stealing some salvaged lumber) and I noticed a pair of glass shower doors leaning against the wall. On the day before, I had visited the Habitat Re-Store and noticed a number of glass shower doors for sale. The overactive brain started its slow burn...

Hinges make everything better!

You see, I have been jonesing to build a greenhouse. Watching all of our Food-Is-Free Project garden plants wither and die this fall made me want a greenhouse to extend the growing season. The greenhouse could also be helpful in reducing evaporation in our oh-so-dry climate. It could be built from mostly or completely salvaged/recycled materials. If I paint it blue, I could find out which of my friends are Doctor Who fans. Shower doors have tempered glass and have frames that help with mounting hardware.

Will I build a greenhouse this spring? The odds are probably not in my favor, but I have taken the first step - I have a plan.

Are you looking for similar inspiration? Then check out this page from Inspiration Green. (I like the one with the red sliding door!)

May your winter daydreams be your spring reality! As Keith likes to say, "Eat locally, Mesquite Hugger!"

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