Thursday, August 25, 2022

A New [NEW!] Huffy BMX and New Life for Mesquite Hugger on YouTube

Love me some big(ger) wheels!

Thanks, y'all - I have missed you too!

Okay, it's not like me, but I broke down and bought a new (really new) bicycle. I've wanted a plus-sized BMX for a while, and I have a bad habit of bringing Huffy bikes home. Those two stars aligned at a time when I had a little bit of money itching to be spent. I hopped on and five days later a new Huffy Symbol 26 arrived at my house.

We make fun...

It took about 20 minutes to put it together. And since that point I've been riding like a (really heavy, fearful, and creaky) 13-year-old! The neighborhood kids are extremely impressed with my mad bunny hopping skills and the guy who often sleeps near the skate park gave me a bleary thumbs up! can sit on!

I even got so excited that I made a video about it and plopped it onto the very dusty YouTube Channel.

The Huffy received the Greg wave of approval!

Since the Huffy arrived, two other bikes left the herd and went to people who are appreciating and riding them more than I would (since always I'm always out practicing fakies on the big BMX). More people riding equals fewer people sitting around soaking in the news and biting their fingernails.

May your fingernails live unbitten and may you find joy is as easy as riding a bike!