Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The First Lizard of 2023 plus Birds, Bugs, and Peace

We've hit that time when it is too darn hot. As I type this, it's 103 degrees outside. Yeesh! So I decided to adjust my schedule a bit.

After coffee this morning with los gringos viejos y locos, I headed out to Mae Simmons with a bike, a couple of cameras, and some bug repellant the flies really enjoyed.

Morning light


Agile mallard hens foraging 

unknown songbird (updated: Red-breasted meadowlark)

I have no taste but I'm quite tasty.

Dam grackle

Old Faithful

Spoiler alert: unlike most years, the first lizard I spotted was not a Mediterranean gecko...

I've not done enough of this lately. I've been too worried about bills, work, keeping machines working, maintaining my stupid pride, and mourning those who've passed. Just a few miles from home I found God's glory where I usually find it - just a little further than the pavement.

I hope you're smarter than me and know when it's time to get out of your head and into the places that feed you.

Be well, friends, and take care of one another!

(One other note, the night after I posted this, I spotted a Mediterranean gecko on our mailbox. Better and better!)