Okay… in the endless quest for fun, but really stupid things to do ( or conversely stupid but really fun) There’s going to be a power wheels race come May 10-11. A page will be made at https://powerwheelsracing.lsdg.org As the details are hammered out, they’ll be posted there.
Rules are going to be vaguely based on these guys – obviously several of their organizational things don’t apply
Summery for those who just want the gist:
· o Chassis from a ‘power wheels’ style toy· o Electrically powered, 12-36 volts.
· o Racing for fun in a parking lot. Adult drivers.
· o Built as cheaply as possible, recycle, reuse, repurpose!
o The guideline for no more than $500 dollars is a big point of this. Less is more. I don’t think anyone is really interested in maintaining a log of receipts, so this will be on the honor system. If you manage to build something for the cost of a roll of duct tape that can roll an adult around… you definitely succeed! Cheaper and scrounged is much cooler than throwing cash until it goes fast!
Currently there are 4 vehicles being planned, the more is merrier!
If you want to participate, but don’t want to do bad funthings to a beloved toy… race ‘officials’ would be very welcome, and anything that isn’t clear a profoundly unsafe idea is encouraged!
No entry fees! No paper work! No liability on my part!
Things that haven’t been decided yet:
Exact format of race:
Sprints, endurance, combo, ¼ mile? If you are building a entry you get a say
Exact location/ layout of track:
Probably an empty parking lot somewhere in town, suggestions that don’t cost anything are very welcome! Ones that are just cheap are still welcome!
I don’t have a score board, a racing ‘tree’, or an automated timer so that’ll need to be sorted out…
Things that are quite certain –
If you build an entry, bring an electrical fire appropriate fire extinguisher. Adult drivers. Cheap Prizes.
May your days be filled with fun, but really stupid things to do.
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