Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Big 3 (when going green)

I love it when the complex is distilled to simplicity. I ran across this Zachary Shahan article on Planetsave a few days ago, and it shed a big light on the topics on this blog. The article actually lists 5 ingredients for The Green Life, but I'd like to focus on the first three today. Straight from the text of the article:

If you look at the top 3 contributors to global warming and climate change, they are undoubtedly transportation, electricity, and food (though, the order varies based on the assumptions and the location).
So, the top 3 things you can green, in no particular order, are:

Now, while those are the biggies in your personal life, there’s still something missing….


So, Dear Reader, how about you? Which of those three categories interests you the most? Do you have green goals? What are they, and do they fit in one of the three categories?

May you know where you are headed before you get there!

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