Friday, October 9, 2015

Regional Carbon Reduction: an Alien Sun

Props to Roswell, New Mexico and Excel Energy!

Lubbock is a town where we battle our own beast. We "own" Lubbock Power, Light, and Water. And it is an unruly beast. Local politics over the last few years have centered around LP&L, its  mismanagement, its shortsightedness, and its lack of response to the needs of its "owners" .  Our power company is very opposed to renewable energy in any form. We live near some of the most productive wind generators on the continent and we live in a very sunny place. We get our power from coal and natural gas.

So, when I see our neighbors making better choices, I like to draw attention. Here goes:

Excel Energy cleared for solar purchase near Roswell, NM

Excel is a big power company in the region. Roswell (you know - the place famous for a UFO coverup) is a strangely nifty place just west of us. Our part of the world is ripe for solar and wind power, and these two entities are working to take advantage of that. And I want to say thank you to both!

In case you find yourself in Roswell, be sure to check out all of the alien stuff - the museum makes it hard to be a UFO cynic, but be sure not to miss one of Roswell's truly best- kept secrets: 

The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art

It's an astoundingly good collection - the Luis Jimenez motorcycle sculpture is worth the trip.

Thank you, Excel. Thank you, Roswell. Thank you, everyone who works for a healthier world!

May you be surrounded by such people!

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