Monday, May 16, 2022

Earth Day on Broadway 2022 Follow-up #2: A little more about e-bikes

 Yep, the Earth Day on Broadway event did not go off without a hitch this year. The winds kicked up, the skies turned brown, and everyone went home before it even started.

And I did not get to tell anyone how awesome e-bikes are on the personal, the societal, and the ecological level.

So here goes:

Pedal Assist: 

I love riding bicycles, even the ones without electric motors. Because of that, the coolest part of e-biking for me is pedal assist.

I ride a non-electric mountain bike off-road with friends on the weekend. One guy, we'll call him Greg - because his name really is Greg - is about 25% faster than the rest of us and can ride at least 50% farther than the rest of us. If he weren't such a great guy, we'd all resent Greg. Instead, we all just aspire to ride as fast and as far as Greg.

I ride an electric cruiser bike to work and back during the week. It has five levels of pedal assist (PAS) and eight gears. On most days, I ride at level 1 in 5th gear - I get a moderate workout but still have energy to live life when I get home.  At level 2 in 6th gear I can ride at Greg level and not need a nap afterwards. On super windy days I bump up to level 3 and make it home in the same amount of time and have the same amount of energy. But I am always pedaling!

When picking out an e-bike...

If you plan to pedal your e-bike, be sure to buy a bike that looks like a bicycle - the more it looks like a moped, scooter, minibike, or motorcycle, the harder it will be to pedal.

Erasing Excuses:

When I started commuting by bicycle, it took all I had to get me to work. Back then, I wished I could ride as far and fast as I can now. When I arrived at work in the morning, I had to take a little time to catch my breath. When I arrived home after work, I had to take a nap. On cold days it was worse. On windy days it was a lot worse. On cold and windy days I'd just choose the car. The e-bike takes away a lot of excuses for not riding. (And the ride is always better than the drive.)

Whew! I am glad to tell someone all that.

Be well, be safe, and be kind to our planet and each other.

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