Monday, June 27, 2022

Ride (a bike) with me.

People often tell me that my town - Lubbock, Texas - [feel free to insert your town name here] really sucks for bicycling. And they are right. But I have to say that walking, driving cars, and riding buses all suck here too. 

Morning rides are the best! 

When I got out of bed this morning, the wind was blowing a sustained 20 mph with bigger gusts. But it didn't look that bad out my window...

Or maybe I didn't want to burn the gas.

Or maybe I believe morning commutes are better on a bike,

and that every car drive is an annoyance...

...but every bike ride is an accomplishment.

And I had an ace up my sleeve - I have a bike with pedal assist.

So I took a five-mile ride/commute on the e-bike and put out about the same amount of work as I would have on a non-electric bike on a much less windy day.

On less-windy days and on shorter trips the e-bike stays home and I ride a regular ("analog"? "non-electric"? "real"?) bicycle and I still enjoy the ride, save money, burn calories, release endorphins, and sleep better.

On really crappy days I take the car. 

I read this week that traveling by bike is five times more efficient than walking. I am not sure how much more efficient the e-bike is than an analog bike, but I know that it opens the door to longer trips taken in rougher conditions.

It also makes it easier to leave the car at home - I really, really like leaving the car at home.

This cartoon resonates deeply with me. I feel more evil, more anger, and more judgment when I drive. When I ride, I see a lot more beauty and feel much more humble and compassionate.

And the people around me end up dealing with a kinder, more enjoyable me.

I don't know if any of this will be true for you, but I invite you to try it. See if you don't find a lot more benefits than you expected.

And you might find that riding a bike in your town doesn't suck at all.

May you (and the people around you) find yourself (themselves) dealing with a kinder and more enjoyable you!

May you be safe and well, amigos!

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