Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chasing a Rabbit - Graffiti Artist Applications Now Being Accepted(?)

So I went through the gate a few weeks ago and found graffiti on our back fence. And I was pretty disappointed, but probably not for the right reasons.

I’ve been watching graffiti in Lubbock for a few years now, and I’ve seen a (kind of) new breed emerging, but my particular artist is definitely not from that particular gene pool. And I am trying to figure out if his work points out my ignorance or his. But it does nothing for me and creates only one question in my head: “Huh?!!!”

The new breed is a person or a group who obviously studied Banksy . (If you don’t know him, he’s an English “underground” artist who’s risen way above ground by making whimsical, powerful, and often political stencil-based graffiti.)

I knew that graffiti on our new fence was inevitable in our neighborhood and I was really hoping for a stenciler with a sense of humor or a political statement or a prairie dog or all three.

 But I got this:

Now I’m trying to decide, do I sand it down and hope for better art? Do I call the graffiti removal crew? Do I start stalking dark alleys in search of a spray can artist, research more eco-friendly forms of graffiti, and have said artist conduct a seminar on my back fence? Do I wait for the city code enforcers to send me a letter fining me for putting up a sign without a permit? So many options…

Here are a few local examples I’d have been happier with:

Dig the spray can for personal reasons and the rakish tilt.

Dumpster Munster!

Local politics and symbolic humor 

Prairie dog and panda - I have seen several variations of these around town.
May you have a blessed and wonderful day, and may your graffiti be art!

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