Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Distracted by the Tools (plus thank you!)

Another great one!

It's way too easy for me to get distracted by the tools.

For example, my goal of Personal Carbon Reduction has turned into an obsessive quest for an electric cargo bike. Very quickly I have transformed myself into a pseudo expert on all things cargo bike and electric bike and I find myself driving around in the pickup dreaming and scheming of cargo e-bike acquisition.

At different times I have obsessed about LED bulbs, tiny houses, backyard chickens, electric cars, aquaponics, minimalism, bicycles, batteries, dumpster diving, hot-rodded Power Wheels, the National Bike Challenge, clotheslines, citicars, solar panels, recycling, pallets, insulation, rain barrels, Instructables, wind generators, compost, local foods, bike lanes, and the coolest of all - self-cloning crawdads. (I have to admit, it's been a fun ride.)

But the real Mesquite Hugger goal here is to do less damage and to encourage others to do less damage. In this coming year, I will try to keep it between the lines.

May the real goals be things we work for, and may the tools be just that!


It's been a big year here at MH , and you are the reason. We've gone from a 30-view-per-day blog to a 300-view-per-day blog. Thank you to each and every one of you for choosing to spend a little time here. May you blessed, and thank you for blessing me!

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